Tuesday March 20th, 2011

Posted: March 20, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will spend the next two days getting research for their documentary. They will begin to draft the specific details of their topic. Today the students should be able to show research information and support why their documentary is important. They should make a list of specific questions for their interviews as well as all contacts they will need to make. They will then list credible websites that they have researched and list important information and direction for their inquiry. Include these in your study: 1.     Why is this topic important? 2.     Who is your target audience 3.     What results do you hope to gain from someone watching the interview? 4.     List credible websites and the outline the information used to generate your ideas.    History 112- Students will group themselves into 6 teams. We will spend the rest of the week in an exploration of a Peace Treaty in order to prevent WW1. Students will get a country, research the country and then bargain for what they want. Will there be peace? Law 120- Students will present their Forensics Presentation. Each group will offer insights into an area of Forensics and then show cases how this scientific method solves crimes.