Tuesday May 14th, 2013

Posted: May 13, 2013

History 112- Students will discuss what they have learned about WW2. Teacher will introduce the term Holocaust and brainstorm the definition. Students will then be given the into assignment. Law 120- Students will finish watching "runaway Jury" teacher will then discuss with students case law and students get to choose their jobs for court case.- Assignments- Case #1-Ryan and Randy (crown) VS Nolan Goguen - (Defense)     (Trial dates Thursday and Friday) Case #2- Mallory and Ryan (Crown) VS Ali and Kayla (Defense)      (Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday) Case #3- Stephanie and Courtney (Crown) VS  Bailey and Kaitlyn  (Defense)  (Begin Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Performance Arts- Celebration day Music 10- Finish all projects. Theatre Arts- projects are due on Wednesday
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