Tuesday May 15th, 2012

Posted: May 15, 2012

Students have just had a guest speaker, Adam Lordon. Adam explained how television seeks to alter to viewers interest. Over the last weeks students will have a couple of presentations to get ready in order to finish up the year. These projects will take into consideration all of the tech and writing skills taught throughout the year. Today teacher will lead a discussion on television and its role in Media. Students will break into groups to achieve the following: The will develop a pitch for a segment, a television show or a movie. The pitch should include information as to support the purpose of the film, the target audience and a marketing strategy. The marking will go as follow- The write up should include all the information to support the need- statistics that help support the desire for this piece (10 marks) It will also include a write up as to what you plan to do listing the responsibilities of each member of your group, list materials and other essentials needed. (10 marks) Peer evaluation will ask students to grade each other on their contribution.(5 marks)- Due on Thursday May 17th, 2012.  The students will then make use of their different filming skills and prepare a 2-3 minute promo, advertisement or even film the segment. Finally students will use Photoshop to build a piece of advertising.  History 112: Students will brainstorm with teacher about the Holocaust.  Teacher will give basic thoughts to help students in a quest for understanding. The Holocaust introduction assignment will help students understand how these events have taught us about history. Students will have until Thursday to complete the assignment. LAW 120:  Teacher will discuss with the students about the Youth Criminal Justice Act. http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/yj-jj/ycja-lsjpa/back-hist.html act replaced the young Offenders Act. Students will research and build a table that helps them discover the difference between the two Acts. They should be able to answer the following questions as well: Why was there a need to change the Young Offenders Act? Does the new Act empower an equal non bias justice system? (support your answer) Do you feel that there should be amendments to the new act? (If so what are there? If not what makes the Act such a comprehensive document.)   Broadcast Journalism:
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