Tuesday October 30th, 2012

Posted: October 30, 2012

Digital sound 120- Teacher will discuss with students the importance of sound environment. Architect build and consult with sound engineers to create the perfect design. Think of everything from cars to a small room. Sound is all around us.  http://www.teachengineering.org/view_lesson.php?url=collection/cub_/less... Students will then create an environment of sound.- Think of a place, or a story- then cut a 45 seconds clip from it. What would that sound like? What are the small details that give the picture? What sounds are far away, which are nearer. What sounds scream information about the environment? Specialist in movies build these environments for the entire film. Whether it is fictional or non-fictional. They manipulate the sound to get an environment that supports the visual. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5j_2sRUTbU – king Kong 2005 academy award winner for sound. http://www.jamendo.com/en/ Build your own sound scape: ·         Have at least 10 different tracks ·         Augment at least 1 sound. ·         About 45 seconds long ·         Graded on balance, quality, choice of material. Law120-  Students will finish their discussion on the roles of police and form groups in order to prepare a presentation on Forensic science. The Allen Legere case used DNA sampling to tie him to several crimes, it was because of this that prosecutors were able to charge and sentence Legere to 25 years. Students will work in groups to present information about Forensic science and how it is used in the justice system.   Creativity. Group Dynamics Organization Presentation Skills Class mark Activitiy Case discussed   Total -50   Students will have 5 days to complete the task.- Due on Tuesday 6th, November 2012. Computer science 110- Unit 9- Helps   Because the Text1.Font properties are “ReadOnly”, you can not change them. You must instead create your own “New Font”.   [THIS IS THE CODE PROVIDED IN THE ONLINE COURSE. IT WILL NOT WORK] Text1.FontSize = 9 Text1.FontBold = False THIS CODE IS OUT-DATED, AND WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY.  [THIS IS THE UP-TO-DATE CODE, THAT WILL WORK FOR Visual Basic 2008] Text1.Font = New Font(Text1.Font.Size, 9) Text1.Font = New Font(Text1.Font.FontFamily, 9, FontStyle.Bold) THIS CODE WILL WORK IN Visual Basic 2008, AND WILL HAVE THE SAME EFFECTS