Tuesday September 17, 2013

Posted: September 17, 2013

History 112:The teacher discussed the idea of historical perspective. “Presentism” is one of the drawbacks in understanding history. Teacher will give 3 guidepost of this 5th benchmark. The students will then be engaged in the Bio-Poem activity. Ancient History : The students are reminded that they will have a quiz on the following words on Friday September 20th, 2013.  Chapter 1: Artifacts, Primary sources. Secondary accounts, Archeologist, Anthropologist, Paleoanthropologist, Paleontologist, Theory, Civilization (citizen). Today students examine the four kingdoms of Mesopotamia. They will look at the geography and discuss the positive and negative impacts of this cradle of civilization. Law 120- Quiz today .Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause. Public pressure prevails Page 82 discussed. Charter of rights- http://www.pch.gc.ca/ddp-hrd/canada/guide/index-eng.cfm research_report_rubric2_0.doc