Tuesday September 9th, 2014

Posted: September 9, 2014

Law 120- We have been looking at the historical roots of Law- Quiz on definitions that we will cover will be on Friday- Word list is attached as well as powerpoint. See below for the class PowerPoint and the list of words for your word bank. Today law students begin their study on Canadian law. Law and ethics page 33 discuss. (10 Minutes) Students are then given a few minutes to get the definitions need for the quiz on Friday. History 113: Ethical approach to History- Students will review the ethical components of history. Look at a picture, what words come to your mind? Picture of the Unknown Soldier tomb. What do you know about this moment in history? What can it teach us about respect and empathy for others? Bio poem exercise. Reading tutor: International students will read for 20 minutes- Canadian students will help them in their reading. Students will then write a summary of their reading- Canadian students will organize their lesson for the week- outline provided to students. Ancient History 10: Benchmarks of history- memorials. In Ancient history there have been several memorials that civilizations have made that remind us about historical accomplishments. They are the seven wonders of the ancient world. Research each of these wonders and prepare a write up in pairs:     1.  Describe the wonder    2.  Who was the builder? 3.  Why was it built? 4.  Where was it built? 5.  Is it still standing? If not, what happened? 6.  When was it built? 7.  How was it built? 8.  Any other interesting facts. Include your sources- you need at least two sites per wonder.- Due Thursday Sept 11th, 2014.