Wednesday 10th October, 2012

Posted: October 10, 2012

Digital sound 120- Students will submit and we will listen to their mashups. Students will then discuss what makes a good announcement. Whether it is commercial or Public service announcement the audio elements are very important. How long should it be? What are the important elements (Information)?  How can we use sound to make this interesting and memorable? Students will then have the task of building a radio announcement, to put on the school radio station or other public radio waves. The teacher will provide a list of events going on at the school. Students may work in pairs to produce their announcement. They will be graded on the following: Content- (information presented) Effects used (Enhancing the message- choice of material) Balance of the recording (Balancing the mix between each sound) Quality of sound Project will be due Tuesday 16th, October, 2012 Law120- Students will write the Law quiz #2- Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Human Rights. After Quiz teacher will continue information on Crime Unit. Computer science 120- Students should begin Unit 6 this week- Visual Basic.  
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