Wednesday April 2nd, 2014

Posted: April 1, 2014

Media Studies- We have been discussing Film. Search through the internet to learn about the development of film as we know it. Trace through the significant ivenetions and inventors as you asnwer the question of how we got from still black and whites to our filming now. This is an essay... not a list of dates. Include all resources- 12 font and single space please. Due tomorrow.Reading tutor- You have been writing stories. Trade with a partner and read to each other (at least 3 stories) After which include a review of the story. The authors will then take thse reviews and include highlights on their back pages. - These are what readers are sayoing as you see in novels in order to entice readers. Make sure you also include an author page about both writes (international and canadian).If finished you may read a novel of your choice or work on homework.Theatre Arts- working on shrek the musical. Artwork needs to be finished. Mr. Theriault has left us some painting and setting up sound and lights.Law 120- Today we talk about Allan Legere. What stories do you know? What has your parents said? We will watch the Monster of Miramichi. or find it on youtube. Discussion with teacher.