Wednesday December 14th, 2011

Posted: December 14, 2011

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Students will examine broadway and musical. In small groups the students will research and prepare a persuadive argument as to the next JMH production. Their information will show that that they have a clear understanding of the script, audience, financial expectations, characters for casting, lighting and sound. A Rubric will be provided. Students will have one week to complete the task. Due date Tuesday 20th December, 2011. Period #3- LAW 120- Mock trial- Students will each be given roles in their court case. The investigators will begin gathering the evidence for the crime. Speaking to suspects and have their information ready for the crow and defense by Thursday December 15th, 2011. This will be conducted on their own time. The class will remain continue court proccedings and expectations. Teacher will hand out rubric and explain how each will be graded. Today's class will focus on preparing the witness for opening of trial tomorrow.  Period #4- Digital sound- Recording in the sound room. . While students are recording, the other students are to work on the other two projects. Finish up recording and questions due at the end of the week. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphes- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they recieve different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3 oral_presentation_rubric.doc