Wednesday February 12th, 2014

Posted: February 12, 2014

Media Studies 120: media studies students will discuss pop culture, trends and fads. The students will explore ideas that show the value of pop culture. weezer video- identify the pop culture pieces. Pop culture shapes our identity. As consumers we produce pop cilture by "buying" into them. Reading tutor: Students will discuss "what is your dream job." discuss and write a praragraph and share it with the class. The international students are leaving to go to a dance workshop. The canadian student will us this as a planning time for tyhe next couple of weeks. In this time we will "partner up" with international students as well as develop lessons to increase their learning. We will be building a word wall in the classroom as well as discuss key phrases used in our culture. Theatre Arts: Finishing Broadway projects Law 120: Quiz #1- Then students will work on the Charter of Rights and freedoms paper. Due on Friday.
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