Wednesday February 22nd, 2012

Posted: February 21, 2012

Period #1- Broadcast Journalism- Students will have their morning meeting. Announcements (Brianna and Matthew- Heidi) Students are to Brainstorm their production. What will it look like? Segments? Transitions and other ideas. The show should start small and then we can build. The students will need a storyboard template for Monday. Line producer- will conduct the meeting and hand out assignments. Alex and Josh – Story board the show- what it looks like, what effects, theme ect. Writers- Heidi/Kate/Laura/Shauna/Marley/- Write their story- find B-roll- they should have their story written and give to Alex so tomorrow they can figure out a video segment. Anchors- Briana/ Matthew- Create an image for their audience. – Theses two should do the morning announcements- Let Heidi show them how. Tech-Gabba/Jeremy /Yanni- These boys need to work on research as to camera work- filming and setting up a shot. -rules on setting up a shot (rule of thirds/ framing/ leading lines/ look space ect.) –They need to go through tutorials online- Youtube on Premiere software.- Have them produce a piece of video- 2-3 minutes showing the rules of setting up and recording- they will present what they have learned. Sports Reporters- Justin and Jake- Write story- conduct interview- they need to write out interview questions- please do not let them pull students out- they can make arrangements to have the interviews for tomorrow. Period#3- History 112- Industrial Revolution with Mr. Noel- after which students will form 5 groups and begin working on presentations. the_industrial_revolution_project1.doc   Period #4-and 6 Law 120- Students will watch the 2nd video on the Ashley Smith Case. Video is 45 minutes long. Website is