Posted: February 1, 2011
Period 1 - Ancient History 10 - Objective: Students will explore the theories of the origin of man. Frame of reference discussed- "The true story of the three little pigs. Definitions: artifacts, , primary and secondary documents, archaeologist, Anthroplogist, paleoanthropologist Period# 2- Media StudiesObjective: Students will explain through examples the six roles of Mass Media.Definitions/ Use each role as a page
heading and find and attach two examples of mass media products that
effectively illustrate this role.Period # 4 - Ancient History 10 - Objective: Students will explore the theories of the origin of man.Frame of reference discussed- "The true story of the three little pigs. Definitions: artifacts, , primary and secondary documents, archaeologist, Anthroplogist, paleoanthropologist
Period #6- Theatre ArtsObjective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the history of Theatre.Students will use the Text book to review and explain to their peers the historical journey of the theatre. They will discuss how times and historical periods have contributed to the art of performance.