Posted: January 7, 2015
Law 120- Civil Law- The powerpoint is attached below. This week we will look at how civil law works. Students will be introduced to Mediation, contract law, and class action lawsuits.
History 113:We have just completed oour look at the Holocaust and why we study it. Today the students will start their last worksheet on other "holocausts" that are happening around the world. We will explore how mankind needs to learn this important lesson.
The definition of “Holocaust”
Define the following: “genocide”, “diaspora”, “pogroms” and other terms, not just “holocaust”.
Look up Holocaust or genocides that are currently happening around the world. (Do some research- use at least two resources) Write a summary of at least two that you have found. This should be about ½ page each.
Before WWII how did the world view the Jewish people? Research to see if there were any Holocaust type events before Hitler came on the scene. Give an example of one.
Make a list of the events of “the Holocaust” (timeline of events).
The aftermath of the Holocaust: 1. immediate effects- what happened right away. 2. Long term effects- how it affected us later on.
Answer this question: “What lessons has society learned from the events of the Holocaust?”
Due at the end of class on Friday January 9th, 2015.
Reading tutor: Students are writing a creative story. The students will follow these steps in order to write their story:
Day 1- Draft an original story- The canadian students will help with word choice and sentence structure.
Day 2- Descriptive wording- Character sketches and setting descriptives.
Day 3- storyboarding- Students will draft out what the story should look like. This is not detailed but it should include the conversational aspectsof the story line. Who said what.
Day 4- About the author- write a small paragraph about the authors (canadian and international) This is also the day when you will switch with another group so they can proof read your work.
Day 5-6 Putting it together.
Ancient History- Students are working on their Roman Newspaper. In pairs students will produce a multipage newspaper that include information about acient Rome. Their paper should include the following:
2 articles about ancient Rome
5 other aspects of a newspaper (cartoon, crossword, ads, classified ads, obituaries... ect)
1 article about Modern Rome
No more that 2 printed pictures- all others should be traced or drawn.