Wednesday October 1st, 2014

Posted: October 1, 2014

Law 120: The Law students will complete their discussion on the elements of a crime. They will look at the criminal code of Canada. Teacher will pair them off and introduce them to a “Fairy tale crime”  History 113Students are working on the July crisis. In 1914 delegates from around the world met together to prevent war. You are those delegates. Research your country. Find out the needs and wants of your country. negotiate to prevent a world war. All links are provided for you. Follow your assigned couontry and prepare for the peace conference. Today- draw the flag of yoour country and answer these questions through powerpoint with pictures: 10 slides Where is your country located? What resources did your country have in 1918? Who are your leaders? Give a brief history of your country. Who are your friends- allies and why? the_july_crisis_austro-hungary.doc the_july_crisis_england.doc the_july_crisis_france.doc the_july_crisis_germany.doc the_july_crisis_italy.doc the_july_crisis_russia.doc the_july_crisis_serbia.doc Reading tutor: This week students are working on writing and discussing holiday recipes. Ancient History- Students have been working on presentations of the various aspects of Mesopotamia. The presentations begin today.