Wednesday October 9th, 2013

Posted: October 9, 2013

History 112: students will finish their research test. This test is designed to do two things: 1.       First of all to test students on their abilities to research and get information that they do not know. 2.       Secondly this test will also encourage students to read and comprehend material that is unfamiliar to them. Both of these skills are essential in becoming a life –long learner. After test students are writing a “Historical Article” Students will find an event in history that is current (Last 5 years) They will then summarize the event. Then use 2 of the six benchmarks to support why they think that it should be included in world history. (The article is about 1 page in length- double spaced) Ancient History: We began our study in Egypt today. Students should have notes on the geography of Egypt. Law 120: students continued to work on their fairy tale crime this week. Students are reminded to follow the rubric