Posted: April 25, 2014
Physics 112 (Periods 1 & 6)Finished the first forces unit and had a test. You should have your results Monday.Today through next Wednesday we will have time for finishing labs. These will be the last designated lab days for the semester. Students can still complete labs at lunch or during study block if need be.Due to the lost time from storms the lab mark for the course will be 50 and not 65. Students can still get bonus for completeing extra labs.Math 9 (Period 3)Scaling diagrams and scale factor.Text Pag 329 # 5 - 12 Physics 122 (Period 4)Conservation of momentum in 2D: physics122_cons_mom-2d_apr25.pdfProblem set page 24 #37For all of the important course documents go here: January 29/2014 - Semester 2 Begins!