Monday, Dec. 9/2013

Posted: December 9, 2013

Physics 112Forces in 1D - Connected Masses.  Page 21 of your problem set.physics_112_problem_set_2013-14.pdfTracker Quick Guide: tracker_quick_start_guide.pdfphysics_112_lab_manual_2013.pdfwaves_lab_results_2012.xlsxspring_oscillation_ramp_lab.xlsx Physics 122Projectile Motion - Think about lab/project.Start working through the problems on page 28 - 30 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfDon't forget this: toque_problem_assignment.pdf  Math 9Polynomial Test tomorrow, Dec. 10.Starting Wednesday we will be working on a polynomial project. Comp Sci 110 in Room 108Basic Poker game: poker_assignment.pdfLooping Assignment: unit_14_looping.pdfGo through the chapter 13 notes and work on the next assignment: blackjack.pdf