Monday, Feb. 6/2012

Posted: February 6, 2012

Science 122Work; Notes: work_power_and_energy.pdfToday we completed up tp Potential Energy.Problems are in the notes.Comp. Sci. 110Intro to Course; course outline: comp_sci_110_outline.pdfUnit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Functions & RelationsFinding angles in right triangles (trig_angle_feb_6_2012.pdf)Worksheet#1 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet1_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#2 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet2_angles_solutions.pdf)Physics 112Intro to physics. Notes:  intro_physics_lessons.pdfVector Notes:  vectors_notes.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf)