Monday, Jan. 13/2014

Posted: January 13, 2014

Physics 112Wave Interference and Standing Waves. Notes: physics_112_waves_notes_jan_2014.pdfPage 23 # 12 - 16, 18 physics_112_problem_set_2013-14.pdfTracker Quick Guide: tracker_quick_start_guide.pdfphysics_112_lab_manual_2013.pdfwaves_lab_results_2012.xlsxspring_oscillation_ramp_lab.xlsx Physics 122Circular Motion Centripetal force, banked and unbanked turns: physics122_circular_motion_jan_2014.pdfPage 34 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfDon't forget to check out the YouTube Videos: Physics 122 YouTube Playlist  Math 9Exam discussion and review:pythagorean_theorem_review.pdfSquare Roots and Surface Area Review: unit_1_review.pdfpowers_review.pdfrational_number_review.pdf Comp Sci 110 in Room 108In class computer programming assignment next Wednesday, Jan 15.There is no exam in this course during exam week.Basic Poker game: poker_assignment.pdfLooping Assignment: unit_14_looping.pdfGo through the chapter 13 notes and work on the next assignment: blackjack.pdf