Posted: May 27, 2013
Physical Science 10Introduction to Motion (we will focus our study on the graphical analysis of motion).Notes for May 27: physical_science_10_motion_notes_may27.pdfPhysics 112Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (light_lecture_notes.pdf)Refraction (notes will be online tomorrow).Exam Multiple Choice Review: physics112_final_exam_review_mc.pdfAnswers to the Review: physics112_final_exam_review_mc_answers.pdfPhysics 122Circular Motion: physics122_circular_motion_may_22.pdfDon't forget to check out the examples on YouTube.Exam Multiple Choice Review: physics122_final_exam_review_mc.pdfAnswers to the Review: physics122_final_exam_review_mc_answers.pdfComplete one of the following assignments for May 31 (the other can be completed for bonus):momentum_problem_assignment.pdfprojectile_assignment.pdf