Posted: December 4, 2012
***New Physics 112 & 122 Videos***Dopper Shift example videos and Projectile Motion problems have been added to the Physics 112 and 122 playlists, respectively on Peter MacDonald - YouTube; and uploaded to my Videos page.More projectile problems to come.Physics 112Work period for the Doppler Shift problems given below.Doppler shift notes and written examples: physics112_dopplershift_dec3.pdfSpeed of Sound equations: physics112_sound_notes_nov30.pdfProblems 39 - 50 on page 19 in your physics_112_problem_set.pdf; omit #45 and #50Physics 122Work period for the Projectile Motion problems given below.Projectile Motion: physics122_angled_projectiles_dec3.pdfProjectile Motion: physics122_angled_projectiles_nov30.pdfQuestions 5 - 15 on page 20-21, and all questions on page 22 of the physics_122_problem_set.pdfhorizontal launch notes: physics122_horizontal_projectiles_nov29.pdfPg 20 # 1 - 4 of the physics_122_problem_set.pdf