Posted: April 14, 2015
Physical Science 10 Period 1Textbooks are located in student desks. Continue Read Pages 578 - 581 then questions on Pg. 581 #4, 6, 7Read Pages 584 - 588 then quesetions on Pg 588 #1, 3, 5, 6.If finished, read through Pg 594-597.Phyiscs 122 Period 2Students are to continue working on their projectile problem project if not finished.. Check with the librarian to see if the section with smartboards is availible, if so students can go there to work or stay in the classroom.If/When finished Read Pg 195 - 201, 503-505, 509-510.Problems on page 24 of problem set (example on YouTube 122 playlist).Computer Science 110 Period 4Continue working on various assignments. Some students are finished.Physics 112 Period 6Begin working through the problems on page 14 of their problem set - a review of friction.physics112_force_of_friction_april_10.pdfIf completed, start through problems on page 15 of their problem set. The following examples will help: physics112_force_friction_worked_solutions.pdfThat file matches problems solved on my Physics 112 YouTube playlist.Digital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses