Thursday, Jan. 9/2014

Posted: January 9, 2014

Physics 112Wave equation and wave speed. Notes: physics_112_waves_notes_jan_2014.pdfPage 23 # 12 - 16, 18 physics_112_problem_set_2013-14.pdfTracker Quick Guide: tracker_quick_start_guide.pdfphysics_112_lab_manual_2013.pdfwaves_lab_results_2012.xlsxspring_oscillation_ramp_lab.xlsx Physics 122Circular Motion Centripetal force, banked and unbanked turns: physics122_circular_motion_jan_2014.pdfPage 34 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfDon't forget to check out the YouTube Videos: Physics 122 YouTube Playlist  Math 9Exam discussion and review of Rational Numbers - Review sheets have been handed out and they will be uploaded tomorrow. Comp Sci 110 in Room 108In class computer programming assignment next Wednesday, Jan 15.There is no exam in this course during exam week.Basic Poker game: poker_assignment.pdfLooping Assignment: unit_14_looping.pdfGo through the chapter 13 notes and work on the next assignment: blackjack.pdf