Thursday, Oct. 3/2013

Posted: October 3, 2013

Physics 112Introduction to the labs we and some equipment.Re-Quiz tomorrow Sept 26 (first one didn't go so well - review the questions in the file below).motion_quiz_review_sept_25.pdfWork through: motion_problems_review.pdfAcceleration Practice: Page 7 # 1 - 7; Page 10 #1 - 12 Physics 122Application of Vectors: Using Computer Models (programmed in Excel).Work on your Excel assignment: application_of_vectors_sim.pdf Math 9Exponent Laws: Power to a Power Section 2.5 of text.  No assigned questions today.Course work: Page 76 - 77 #s 4 - 7Monday's Quiz was returned.Comp Sci 110Oct 3: Program a simple boss battle: simple_boss_attack.pdfSept 27: Read through Unit 10 then tackle the projects in the assignment (in the "Let's Review" section).Read through Unit 9 then tackle the projects in the assignment (in the "Let's Review" section).