Tuesday, Nov. 5/2013

Posted: November 5, 2013

Physics 112Vector Addition Review (test Thursday): vector_addition_review.pdf  Start working on the problems from page 13 and 14 of your problem set.  These questions are from Chapter 3 of the old textbook.  You can find the answers to these questions on page 54 of your problem set.Started the Vector Activity and will conclude it Monday as not all groups had a chance today.Continue with the vectors worksheet from yesterday (part 1 only).  It is on page 12 of the physics_112_problem_set_2013-14.pdf Physics 122Working through impulse and conservation of momentum in 1D!! Notes will go up tomorrow.If the project does not go well read the notes: physics_122_impulse_and_momentum_notes_oct_29.pdf and work on the practice problems on page 20 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdf. Math 9Today was Pythagorean Theorem Assignment Day! pythagorean_theorem_assignment.pdfSome of these questions lead to great discussions on how some of the math works, patterns math produces, and even a little bit (just a little) of how we can apply Pythag to a situation outside the math classroom.  Today you all had to think in 3D! Comp Sci 110 in Room 108Read through unit 11 and work on the assignment: u11_change_time_converter.pdfProgram a simple boss battle: simple_boss_attack.pdf is complete for the most part.Moving on in the online notes tomorrow.When you have completed your Boss Battle Project and I will copy the files from your account.