Tuesday, Oct. 25/2011

Posted: October 25, 2011

Physics 122Types of Forces Review (see notes below for worksheet)Acceleration of multiple masses (three_forces_acc_mult_masses_notes_oct_25.pdf)Multiple Masses section is in the text, students will be given handouts tomorrow.Problem Project was assigned and is due Nov. 7/2011.Physics 112Practice Sheet #2: forces_practice_2.pdfForces Quiz #2Information on the STEM Expo (stem_expo_flyer.pdf). A chance to do science and earn a bonus!Newton's Laws ()Physical Science 10Introduction to Motion ()We were outside racing remote control cars and recording some data.Participate in the STEM Expo (stem_expo_flyer.pdf) and have a test mark increased!Don't forget to check out the Math Problem of the Week:http://jmh.nbed.nb.ca/other/math-problem-week