Posted: January 7, 2015
Phyiscs 112 Period 1 & 4Drafts are due today without penalty and will not be accepted after tomorrow (Thursday, Jan. 8/2015).Final project write ups and videos are due Monday, January 12. physics_112_course_project.pdfBelow are the reviews for exam preparation (exam schedule will be released within a week).Course Review #1: position_velocity_review.pdfCourse Review #2: review_2_acceleration.pdfCourse Review #3: review_3_types_of_forces_review.pdfCourse Review #4: revew_4_newtons_laws.pdfMulitple Choice Review: physics112_final_exam_review_mc_full.pdfA more detailed exam breakdown will be given to students towards the end of next week.Physical Science 10 Period 3There is a JMH Science Skills Assessment Friday, Jan. 9. This counts for course marks.We have started preparing and practicing for this assessment.Here are two practice files:science_assessment_prep.pdfgraphical_analysis.pdfWe will spend Monday and Tuesday of next week reviewing for the exam before you go back to Mr. Bowes and review chemistry.Computer Science 110/120 Period 6We are coming to a conclusion of the course as you finish your projects.You will be doing peer & self evaluations as part of your project mark.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses