Posted: December 19, 2011
Eng 111 - Argumentative/Persuasive Essay DUE: January 9th, 2012
Do you think that technology makes lives easier or harder for humans? Apply your answer to Sara Teasdale's poem and Bradbury's story. References cited in MLA format will be expected.(you may also use the articles and conversations from class)
Eng 112 - Your assignment: DUE TUESDAY TO PASS IN
- You are to write your own ode of no less than 20 lines of verse.
- It must have a rhyme scheme, slant rhyme is fine.
- Rhythm optional, but what would Mr. Martin want?
- Review the main definition and criteria for odes and be sure to follow it.
* To get you started, give yourself some pre-write time. Think of 6 different topics and write them down: 2 of a person (or family, profession etc.)
2 of an inanimate object
2 of a natural creature (or supernatural)
use imagery, figurative language and a dignified style (elevated language, no slang)