Posted: April 19, 2012
Eng 112 - Read "Lord of the Flies" chapter 2 and complete the work in your packet. The following questions were worked on in class today from chapter 1:
Chapter One
Terms: efflorescence (12), enmity (14), decorous (15), chorister (22), bastion (29), hiatus (31)Questions:
1. Explain what the following passage reveals about Ralph’s feelings about his situation:
Page 11 “Ralph danced out into the hot air of the beach and then returned as a fighter-plane, with wings swept back, and machine-gunned Piggy.”
2. Discuss the importance of the conch.
3. On page 30, Ralph, Jack, and Simon discuss the bushes around them. What does each boy say about them? What do their individual comments suggest about them?
4. Four key characters are met in this chapter: Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy
Create a character sheet to begin tracking these major characters in the novel. It is also important to include the page numbers where you found evidence of the character trait. (using evidence from the book for your tests is critical, so get used to it!)