Posted: April 7, 2011
Eng 111 - lyric poetry presentations will be finished tomorrow followed by the test on the ode. Reminder that your Article of the Week reflection is due tomorrow
Eng 112 period 3 - Romeo and Juliet final tests were written today. Creative extensions/final projects are due Monday.
Eng 112 period 6 - MacBeth final test questions are to be completed in class tomorrow. The questions are as follows:
*This is to be completed IN-CLASS tomorrow with only assistance of your MacBeth text
MacBeth Final Test - Long Answer
Question 1 - Identify each of the prophecies given by the witches throughout the play (there are nine of them) and describe how each of them come true.
Question 2 - A tragic hero is a central character who, despite noble qualities, makes some key errors in Judgment that contribute to his/her downfall. Examine how MacBeth may be seen as a tragic hero.