Posted: December 16, 2010
Eng 111 - Read Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder".
Eng 112 - Reminder that your Unit test on poetry is Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Review all notes!
Read the two social commentary poems "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Base Details" and respond in writing to the following:
POINTS TO PONDER:1. Do you think the poet has succeeded in showing us the futility and horror of war? What phrases and words does he use to do this?
2. Compare this poem with Siegfried Sassoon’s poem ‘Base Details’ and see the way the two poets treat the theme of war? Owen’s poem shows us what it was like for the soldiers in the trenches while Sassoon’s shows the separation between these soldiers and the officers who commanded them. Which poem do you think is more powerful?
3. Think about how today’s media (TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet) covers war, and compare it with the account of war in this poem. Did Wilfred Owen and other World War I poets help to give us an accurate picture of what war was really like?