Posted: May 1, 2012
Eng 112 - Finish all work on chapter 6 (including packets) and read chapter 7. Your mid-novel test is on MONDAY, MAY 7TH.
Chapter Six
Terms: leviathan (105), clamor (108), mutinously (108)
1. Page 106 Compare Jack’s thinking from the last time they came across a balanced rock. (page 27)
2. Page 107 Discuss the following:
A strange thing happened in his head. Something flittered there in front of his mind like a bat’s wing, obscuring his idea.
At once the ideas were back, and the anger.
3.What happens that makes the dead parachutist appear to be a living creature? Explain.
4. Think about the leadership qualities of Ralph and Jack. List strengths and weaknesses for both.
5. Add to character profiles.