Wednesday, Oct. 6th

Posted: October 6, 2010

Eng 111 - Evaluate how the balcony scenes in the two film versions are similar and different. Use specific examples from both scenes to determine your comparison and contrast. Present and defend your opinion of which film version best exemplyfies the balcony scene found in the play. Eng 112 - Your Poe comparison essay is due on Tuesday, October 12th without exception or excuse! Be sure to have it printed out and stapled in the following order: Title Page Published (good) copy - error free Drafts (note the "s" on draftS. We've been working on this for over a week.) Pre-writing work Rubric (**please be sure to use a size 12 font maximum and double space the text) If you've lost the original assignment details see last Thursday's post. Here is the rubric:
Microsoft Office document icon poe_essay_rubric_0.doc37 KB