Social Studies 9

Posted: April 6, 2020

Welcome back to Social Studies 9, hoping you and your family are safe and well!  I will be posting work every week on Mondays for the upcoming week on my teacher page.  This will include notes, word documents, PowerPoint presentations, links to selected videos/documentaries and assigned questions/outcomes to research, analyze and discuss. 

This week, please make sure you can navigate through my teacher page and email me anytime with concerns or questions.  Here is the "Landform Postcard Activity" we touched on before school ended, please complete this activity for this week.

"Imagine you are on vacation and see one of the landforms we talked about in class.  You are going to create a postcard to send to a friend.  On one side you are going to write about the landform and explain it in great detail  (what it looked like, where was it, what was fascinating about it, what did you like etc.)  On the other side you are going to draw a picture of what you saw."

Next week we will continue our unit on Canadian landforms and climate. 

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