Posted: April 20, 2020
Growth and Decline Settlement Assignment (April 20 -26)
Regional analysis is a tool used by Geographers. It involves breaking the whole country into smaller parts to aid investigations and understandings. This is useful in helping to discuss the role played by nature and human resources on prosperity. The characteristic examined can be divided into many categories including: Location, physical and cultural characteristics, political perspective, hierarchy (smaller regions within regions themselves).
1) Using the Internet, you will conduct a regional analysis of Canada’s 5 regions including the North, British Columbia, the Prairies, Central Canada and Atlantic Canada. For each of these 5 regions, list some key industries, natural resources and human resources.
2) What is a major strength of each region that supports its prosperity and growth?
3) After conducting your regional analysis, you are required to submit a one-page report to the committee. In your report, you must describe which region has the most to offer perspective (future) Canadians. Your report must be describe in detail and include facts found during your analysis.