Social Studies 9

Posted: June 8, 2020

Social Studies 9                                 June 8 - 12

This week we are going to conclude the year with our final assignment looking at “Moving to a New Country Survey Form.”

1. Explain to your family that they must move and have three days to decide where in the world they

are going to live—other than Canada or the United States. Everyone is very busy getting ready and

because you are a student of geography, you are given the task of helping to choose the country

you’ll go to.

2. Explain to your family that there are certain criteria that must be considered in order to increase

your chances of success in the new country.

3. Explain that you must think about such things as the language spoken and job opportunities.

Criteria to Consider

In the spaces below, list your criteria. Try to have at least six or seven items. Your job will be to research

and compare the criteria from country to country before making a final decision.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________________________

Country Choices

Choose three countries that you will consider moving to.

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

Take care and have a great summer!