Digital Prod. - Dont' Forget! Cover Assignment is due TOMORROW! Here is your new one!!

Posted: March 24, 2014

Digital Productions 120 - Create a Poster using Photoshop.Your project file should be 8.5 x 11 and 300 dpi resolution, RGB Colour.You are going to create a poster to help promote the Interact pizza fundraiser! They will be selling U-Bake pizzas to raise funds for their club on Saturday, April 5th. They are $10 each, or 3 for $25. Pick up times are 11:30 to 12:00 and between 3:30 and 4. There is also a delivery option for an extra $5. All of this information should be included in some way on the poster. You should highlight what the money is for, time, dates, etc.You will use at least ONE original image (photo/drawing/graphic) to incorporate into the poster. Please be sure to use the design principals that we talked about in class and that Mr. Duplessie discussed with you. You can find the links to reminders of these in revious notes on this page.Requirements: You need a minimum of 10 layers, various texts and effects, use of brushes, filters, and images.Assignment is worth 20 marks.Reminder!! You are designing a poster for use!