Posted: September 20, 2017
Michael Moore’s SICKO
As a class we will view Michael Moore’s “SICKO”. During the movie you are to write down 20 points that are made that may seem questionable to you. You will hand these in attached to the back of your essay.
For your essay you are to pick three (3) of these points and critique them to the best of your ability. Are they true? Partially true?
Whether you are agreeing or refuting one of Michael Moore’s points you are to back it up with quality sources. Please make sure that the sources are accurate to the time period of the filming of the movie as well. (Example: Do not use a 2017 fact point to prove or disprove a point made in 2006)
Please source on the page and provide a “Works Cited” page attached to the back as well.
Value: 20
(Each answer, whether proving or refuting, is worth 10 marks. You will lose 5 marks for not providing a “Works Cited”, 2 for not having a proper title page, and 3 for not sourcing on the page. This rule will now apply for all assignments!)