Posted: April 6, 2020
Hey, folks! Imagine that you're walking into our classroom right is playing...I'm waiting for you up're ready to bring your best for another sixty minutes. Well, things have changed a little, haven't they?
First thing to note: I haven't posted any actual work today because I figured you'd already be feeling a little overwhelmed...on TOP of being isolated! Let's ease into things, OK?
To give you an idea of the direction we'll be taking, English 9 and 10 will be expected to do a little reading and a little writing each week. Pretty decent, right? English 121, we will pick up sort of where we left off: we're going to complete an annotated bibliography, because chances are VERY good that you'll have to do them in your post-secondary studies and your profs may not take the time to show you how. Then, we'll leave things a little more open-ended, and a little more creative.
I hope you are all healthy and happy and hunkered down. Remember, you can email me any time at, or (if your class is set up) you can use Teams to contact me (and each other!).
Check back tomorrow for the next baby step in this venture we're taking together. I really, really miss you birds.
-Mrs. Corlett