Thursday, November 3, 2011

Posted: November 3, 2011

PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE THIS WEEKEND, ON ALL THREE DAYS!  THANK YOU!   English 9 - In class today, we took at a look at the graphic organizers we've used to date, then we re-organized our Venn diagram from yesterday.  From there, I showed you how to turn the info on your Venn diagram into better paragraphs (instead of just listing the item from your Venn diagram, right?).  After that, you began a list of words and phrases that describe who and what you are...which we will "Wordle" on Monday!   English 122 - If you didn't hand in your reflection today, please e-mail it to me before 2:00 tomorrow.  Also, rememeber that your novel study and book talk are due on Monday.  In class today, we continued, then presented, the short activity in analyzing the prologue of Dr. Faustus.  Well done!