Wednesday, Sept. 12. 2012

Posted: September 12, 2012

English 9 - Hello!  In class today, we analyzed my letter to you, especially noting the paragraph use and ALL THAT BEAUTIFUL PUNCTUATION!  After that, you were given a graphic organizer to try out in order to complete an outline for the letter you will be writing back to me.  That outline is due for tomorrow, when we will likely begin drafting your letters. English 121 - Hi there!  Today, we reviewed your views on your Article of the Week,  determined your best picks for your Bloom's questions, then reviewed the draft version of the Grade 12 English Language Arts Outcomes from the Dept. of Ed.  Exciting stuff...remember that your Reflection is due Friday, and we'll get rolling with a little frontloading for Hiroshima tomorrow.
File friendly_letter_-_outline.docx11.7 KB