Posted: September 18, 2013
Eng 9 - Today, you enjoyed some SSR time, then we reviewed the outline and new punctuation you picked up from analyzing my friendly letter to you. For tomorrow, please complete your OUTLINE, and we'll begin writing the draft in class...right after we make up the rubric we'll be using to score it.
Eng 122 - Great say today about section III of Hiroshima. Thanks for that. For tomorrow, you must have your research outline completed so we can approve it together. Also, remember that for Friday you'll need to write a Reflection AND provide a short summary of the character you select to read about in teh last section of the book.
Eng 112 - In class today, we had a few VERY informal book talks, then you worked toward completing the outline for your research essay with support. The outline is due on Friday...and all of the work for your non-fiction novel choice (including your DURING reading notes) are due next Wednesday.