Economics 120 April 13th - 17th

Posted: April 13, 2020


Happy Easter, Everyone, and thanks for your responses last week.  This week, let's continue looking at the current Economic issues around the pandemic(there are soooo many!).  This week, I would like you to consider the idea of a Basic Universal Income (a program that would ensure that all households receive a basic amount on which they could survive).  Some parties have proposed that we should have this all the time, not just in pandemic crises, to keep the economy stable.  You will find an article posted below, as well as two links to other short articles.

Read through the three short articles about the idea of a Universal Basic Income.  You should be able to find them below.  Now that we have seen what a pandemic can do to the economy, do you think it is a good idea to establish a universal basic income in our country?  Should all countries?  Would it help to stabilize the economy?  In a short response, state your main idea, and a few reasons to support it.  You can email your response to me, or join the Economics 120 Team.