Wednesday January 20th, 2016

Posted: January 20, 2016

Law 120: the exam review is attached. Please complete the review over the next two days and study for the exam. The review will be due on the day of the exam and it serves as your last class mark. Please make sure that the review is in your own handwriting. It is not allowed to be typed and passed in.

Reading tutor: You should have brainstormed and started your letter to yourself. This letter should help you plan for the future. Imagine 5 years from now and tell yourself about your plan. The letter should be completed and put in an envelope to be mailed. Post a mailing address. Do not seal the envelope as I have to read the letters. Use the rest of the class time to study and get caught up on work for school.

Social Studies grade 9: Students have been studying WWII. Over the next two days we will take a look at the Holocaust. Please research and answer the following questions:

1.    What was the Holocaust?

2.    Why this is considered historically Significant?

3.    What primary source evidences do we have that prove that these events occurred?

4.    Has this piece of History brought about change? Progress? Explain

5.    What did the injustices and sacrifices of the events of the Holocaust mean for us today?

6.    How was it viewed by those living during the time?

7.    What was the cause behind the events of the Holocaust?

8.    Was Germany the only country to wrestle with Jewish hate?

9.    What was Canada's thought towards this hatred of Jewish people?

In answering these questions you will accomplish a two page paper over the next 2-3 days. The questions target the 6 benchmarks, so use your notes to help you in research and answers.

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