Feb 9th, 2018

Posted: February 9, 2018


Biology 112- Student finished their notes on the scientists.  In class, we will review the scientists and their contributions together.  Students completed a matching worksheet to test what they have learned.  Students will be given a reading on the scientists involved in disproving spontaneous generation.  They will use this information to create a foldable to help organize the information. Students were asked to work on their foldables at home.


ES 120- We went to the library and work on a project, “Environmental Group Research”.  Students were asked to research two different environmental groups.  The class was put into five different groups, each given two topics to research.  Student had the assignment sheet and two templates sheets to fill out the information. Students were told they will be informally presenting their research to the class on Tuesday.


Chemistry 112- Students reviewed notes from Wednesday as well as worksheets handed out in class.  Students were asked to complete a crossword using the notes provided.  We reviewed through the notes together.  We correct all of the worksheets that had been handed out. I passed out a note on elements and assigned the questions Pg 52 20-27.  Questions are due to review on Monday Feb 12th.