Posted: November 25, 2014
I am in my classroom giving First Aid training, so my classroom is off limits today. Students will be booked into different rooms.
Period 2 Law 120- Lab-Industrial 276- Law students are working on computers today. The students have been talking about the jury system. Today we begin working on Lawyers. Please have the students prepare a 1-2 page report on the roles and responsibilities of being a Lawyer. Here are some guided questions for them as they prepare their report.
1. Often times there are certain personalities that help in one’s career choice. What kind of personality type lends itself to the role of a lawyer?
2. Chart the journey to become a lawyer, what degrees, where does one study?
3. Explain the “Bar” exam- what is? It what does it mean?
4. What are the types of Law can one practice?
5. What is the average Lawyer’s wage?
6. Explain the role of lawyers?
7. Discuss the ethical responsibility that comes with being a lawyer.
Period 3:History 113 Lab-Industrial 276. We have been talking about WW2 and yesterday the students we taught about Appeasement and then an introduction to the different wars that happened during this time period. The students will work individually and research and write a front page story about one of the wars.
Period #4-Reading tutor Room 108- International students meet. The lesson is being taught by Jenn McEathron.
Period 5- Study block- Your period 3 will return to Lab 108
Period 6 Ancient History- Room 108- Students will continue working on their newspaper front page or comic project explaining one of the three persia wars.