Posted: November 18, 2014
Phyiscs 112 Period 1Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Wednesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfDon't forget the YouTube videos ('s Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Physical Science 10 Period 3Position-Time graphical analysis notes: physical_science_10_position-time_to_date_nov_14.pdfTo be handed in if not complete: Position-Time Assignment: physical_science_10_position-time_assignment_nov_17-18.pdfFor Wed Nov 19: Position-Time Sketching: physical_science_10_sketching_position-time_nov_17-18.pdfPhysics 112 Period 4Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Wednesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfDon't forget the YouTube videos ('s Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Computer Science 110/120 Period 6Continue with the Arduino lessons from the kits.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses