Tuesday Novemeber 4th, 2014

Posted: November 4, 2014

 Period 2: Law 120- Students have a quiz today. It will take about 20 minutes. Yesterday we discussed about Steven Truscott and his wrongful conviction. We also discussed the amount of money he received through his injustice.    Student should look at another case file- “Erin Walsh”-  do 20 minutes of research on the case and discuss it with them. “Should Canada pay out money to these wrongful cases” If so how much? If not why?  Are there any cases in the US where the death penalty occurred and they have found the accused innocent after the fact? What penalties did the government face?   Period 3- History 113-http://mrsbestadhs.wikispaces.com/Canada+and+WWI+Webquest or http://www.readingandremembrance.ca/forms/RR2009/LESSONVictoriaCrossPart... Period 4- reading tutor- Isaac Henderson is teaching the class- Period 6- Students will work on their Tick/Tac/Toe about Egypt over the next few days. Due on Monday November 10th, 2014. remember that the 50% of the mark is due to classwork.
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