Weednesday October 8th, 2014

Posted: October 7, 2014

  law 120- Students were introduced to Forensic science and then were allowed to visit the http://forensics.rice.edu/ website. They can complete the training module and solve a case. They can use the headsets or bring their own. The purpose of this website is to teach the students about the procedure used in crime solving. History 113- Students have been learning about WW1. We finished yesterday working on the July crisis and students were introduced to the propaganda posters during WW1. Today students will have a guest speaker- Doug Trevors that will talk to them about life in the trenches. Reading tutor: Students are working on English writing concepts- today we talk about Genres. Ancient History: Students have a quiz and then are get the key words in chapters 3-4 in their textbooks. These words are bolded and are considered their definitions. They will be marked for having them in their notebook. As we travel through the ancient civilization of Egypt, students will find value in understanding these key words.