Posted: September 26, 2014
Phyiscs 112 Period 1Acceleration review and practice.Practice with page 6 #1 - 8 in the problem set.acceleration_readings.pdfphysics_112_intro_acceleration_sept_26.pdfScience 122 Period 3Light & Mirrors Test today.Tomorrow - Refraction!Physics 112 Period 4Acceleration review and practice.Practice with page 6 #1 - 8 in the problem set.acceleration_readings.pdfphysics_112_intro_acceleration_sept_26.pdfComputer Science 110/120 Period 6We introduced/reviewed generating random numbers and if-then statements.mscs_assignment_6-7_sept2014.pdfIf you want the Visual Basic software home it is free (copy link to address bar): Arduino: Arduino: